
Jeremy Porteus durante su ponencia

The recent Living Well at Home Inquiry set out a vision for the UK’s government to develop a new strategy on housing for an ageing population. It aimed to ensure that significant improvements are made to the housing needs and aspirations of older people. While the emphasis within the strategy is on care services, it recognises that a range of staff and services from non-care sectors, including mainstream and specialist housing, have an important part to play.

This presentation will give details of the high level policy objectives vis a vis the UK government’s integrated housing, housing and social care agenda and set these out within a broader strategic approach being developed to both enable more ‘personalised’ services that maximise independence for people living at home and can achieve ‘care efficiencies’ by preventing more costly health and social care interventions.

The presentation will also draw on the recommendations set out in the recent Inquiry report and showcase a range of leading and innovative examples of housing design and related care and support services for older people in the UK, including the development of Extra Care Housing.

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